A Message from the President of Quantum

During the past few weeks, hearing the anger, listening to the cries of despair, and seeing the hundreds of protests, the unrest, and the growing racial tensions in our country, it all causes us to delve deep into our hearts and souls to assess our thoughts, words, and actions.

As Quantum’s owner, I want to let every Quantum employee know that we do not, and will not, tolerate racial injustice of any kind. We do not and will not condone violence, and we will not allow hatred, in any form, to be a part of our corporate environment or the environment of the communities that we manage.

Our properties we professionally manage throughout the tri-state area are home to a large and diverse group of people – races, religions, and beliefs. We will continue to respect every one of our residents just as we will do every Quantum employee.

We can put on paper many more words to demonstrate our solidarity; however, what is most important is that we show it in our actions. Quantum will provide support to the communities, residents, and employees by demonstrating racial justice, tolerance, and a real community spirit for everyone.

Pat Bessette
Quantum Real Estate Management, LLC AMO