Solidifying the Quantum Culture with Gregg Gregory, CSP

On Thursday, October 21, 2021, Quantum invited the founder of Teams Rock, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) Gregg Gregory back as a guest speaker for our Managers Meeting. With two decades in the residential real estate and mortgage banking industry, we anxiously anticipated his appearance. Gregg’s focus was on “Solidifying the Quantum Culture: One Team Moving in One Direction”.

Gregg provided Quantum employees with an immense amount of information to reflect upon. He asked questions that challenged everyone to think outside of the box as he simultaneously identified how the human brain can occasionally overthink things. Gregg encouraged everyone to step outside of their comfort zone and into their area of growth. During the meeting, Quantum employees were able to comfortably express what effective teamwork means to them, what the benefits are to being vulnerable at work, as well as what challenges they are faced with on their team.

Below is a list of 5 key takeaways from his presentation:

  1. Celebrate your failures the same as you celebrate your successes.
  2. Take pride in your job no matter what it is.
  3. It’s not how you get knocked down but how fast you get back up.
  4. Find motivators, intrinsic or extrinsic, still find them.
  5. Things are never as they seem so be willing to look at things differently and with an open mind.

Not only were we left in awe of the gems Gregg supplied, but we were also provided with resources and action-items that would further propel us into becoming better teammates and ultimately, better people. After all, “Knowledge is not power without application.” Thank you, Gregg, for providing us with resources we can use not just at work, but in our everyday lives.

To hear more from Gregg, download his podcast Teams Rock, available on all platforms.